Spam and Nasty Endings

Do you ever feel like your electronic life is filled with spam? Well don’t worry, because you’re not the only one.

This site attracts very few comments, due of course to the abnormal shyness of the throngs of people who come here every day. So few comments that I wonder whether the comment function (or the ‘what the hell do you have to say?’ function) works at all. Well I no longer have to worry, thanks to Mr. Seventeen Comments pointing to some scam site. Thanks bud.

I manage a multitude of web sites, ranging from sub-sites for [cut!]. This all feels good (buzzzzz). But you know what I spend much of my time doing? Fending off crap traffic (AKA spam and his friends).

I transferred several such sites to a new server today, in an operation that aged me many years. After the first short while I have about 17,000 spam hits and all of 1,000 legitimate hits. Thanks fellas! Think I’ll buy me some v!a9ruh tonight. These mofos slow down the Internet for all of zilch gain. Sods.
